Friday, September 18, 2009

Flash Rebirth #4 review

Review by Eric W. Ridgeway
“Flash Facts “
Writer: Geoff Johns
Art: Ethan Van Sciver
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Colorist: Brian Miller/Hi-Fi Design
Cover: Van Sciver, Miller
Assistant Editor: Chris Conroy
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Published by DC Comics

Before I start let me get something out of the way. I have only been collecting Flash comics for over a year dating back to Wally West’s run (Flash #243), so Professor Zoom is a fairly new character to me. (I think amongst my trade collection he only appears in Rogue War.) If second impressions matter then Professor Zoom has made a big one with me. When Geoff Johns wrote this issue he basically made Professor Zoom the star. He completely outshined and overwhelmed Wally’s predecessor, Barry Allen. With only two more issues to go I hope Professor Zoom gives Wally and Barry a run for their money.

Johns deserves credit for beginning the issue with a comparison between Flash and Batman villains. It made me exclaim “YES!”, now the truth can really be told so people understand that Professor Zoom is Barry’s number one enemy and not Captain Cold from the Super Friends Legion of Doom episodes. In this issue Professor Zoom reveals the existence of a negative speed force, something that is equal and opposite to what powers the Flashes. On top of that it is revealed that Barry Allen is the source of the positive speed force. Of course it can be debated but I hope it is the beginning of enlightenment for Barry. Maybe now he will understand why he is needed back.

With the big reveal behind Barry’s powers I am fully expecting a great change for Wally. Maybe something similar to what Kyle Rayner went through in Green Lantern: Rebirth. Wally truly wants Barry back and in this issue he seems to say to himself, “Just because my Uncle is back does not mean I have to stop being a hero.” A different journey seems to be a head for Wally especially with whispers of a Johns’ written Blackest Night: The Flash miniseries coming. Hopefully Johns will move him out of Barry’s shadow and make him his own hero. I also have to admit this series seems to be going double or even triple speed since the end of issue two.

Overall I like this story because Johns seems to be transforming not only Barry but also Wally’s thought process. Ethan Van Sciver did a tremendous job on this issue. After seeing his variant cover with Professor Zoom and the energy flowing behind him I knew the art was going to be fantastic. Similarly, Van Sciver did an amazing job with the energy coming out of Barry’s eyes on the last page of the issue and it sets up the rumored cover to issue five perfectly. If I had to nitpick on anything it would be the inclusion of Wonder Woman. She only appears in one panel without even saying a word. Why? What was the purpose of that?

9 out of 10 (Excellent!)

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